1. Mame Biram Diouf telah berpindah ke Hannover 96 dengan yuran perpindahan yang tidak dinyatakan. MBD mengikut jejak langkah Manucho yang gagal mendapatkan tempat dalam skuad utama MU.
Isnin, 30 Januari 2012
Akhirnya telur berjaya dipecahkan
Kedah akhirnya berjaya jugak pecahkan teloq apabila boh sebijik gol masa tewas 1-3 kat Johor FC. Ppperrrgghhh punya la amik masa nak pecah. Mokalu lama lagi, sahih kemuruk abih teloq tu. Besa la, kalu kemuruk, takkan nak pi rebuih atau goreng, lempaq buang ja la. taruh pun, buat menyemak peti ais ja hahaha.
Banyak sangat aiihh masalah yang menyelubungi Kedah lani, bukan takat pasukan bola ja kena tibai, skali dengan MB pun kena daa. Tapi takpa, aku takmo la nak sembang meleret pasai benda len kecuali bola sepak Kedah.
Mungkin pada awainya, bila tak dapat import hat berjenih, boleh la humban segala bapak kesilapan tu kan management KFA. tapi bila dah main 3 4 game, takkan nak salahkan 100% kat management. Rasanya pemain pun kena jugak la mengaku silap, termasuk jugak la dengan barisan coach.
Bagi aku, Kedah lani kena reformasi abih. Dengan KFA, coach, manager dengan pemain skali kena rombak. Ustaz Azizan duk nampak cam payah nak pegang kerusi presiden KFA. Bukan apa, kalut dengan urusan hat lebih penting. Sebaiknya, bagi ja orang len pegang jawatan tu. Kalu dulu-dulu bleh la cadang allahyarham DBA, tapi dia dah tadak, jadi aku pun ngong jugak la nak cadang sapa yang layak. Lani duk dengaq cerita, Dato' Hamdan pun takmo dah jadi exco kerajaan negeri dan setiausaha KFA. Katanya takdan nak kampoi sampai nak kerap lawat kawasan sendiri pun takleh.
Pengurus pun harap misai ja lawa hahaha. Mungkin dah tiba masa dia jugak untuk undurkan diri. Banyak sangat orang duk komplen pasai dia. Aku pun tak berani sure la sama ada cerita-cerita yang orang duk bagitau tu sungguh ka dak. Nak jadi cerita jugak, nasib Kedah ni teruk sebab tadak coach yang fulltime. NA tu bukannya tak baguih, cuma tak proven. Kesian jugak la kat dia. Tapi nak wat camna, dia ja yang bleh tangkap muat nak ganti WJ yang kena gantung. Rasanya kalu WJ tak kena gantung, Kedah tak teruk cam lani.
Lagi satu benda yang wat aku bebai jugak adalah pemain. Ishh teruk sangat prestasi depa. Main seropa budak kampung mana tah. bukannya tahap profesional, gaji ribu-ribu. Tahan bola tah ke mana, passing pun pakai hawin ja, lari pun segan, kira semua la serba tak kena. Yang herannya, pemain hat lama tu yang duk jadi camni. Yang baru tu telah la. Takut jugak la kot-kot ada unsur-unsur rasuah. Harap-harap tadak la.
Cukup la aku merapu meraban tenggelam punca pasai bola sepak Hijau Kuning. Dulu masa aku duk Lembah Klang, skitnya syok ka duk pi stadium sapot Kedah. Jangankan stadium hat dekat, hat jauh pun pi oo nu sampai Pasir Gudang. Mai lani, pi stadium pun malas, nak tengok kut tv pun rasa cam berat. Tapi nak wat camna, team negeri sendiri, kena la sokong. Takkan nak layan bola luaq negara saja kan.
Review: MU vs Liverpool - FA Cup
Keputusan perlawanan:
Manchester United 1
Park Ji Sung 39'
Liverpool 2
Daniel Agger 21'
Dirk Kuyt 88'
Khamis, 26 Januari 2012
Top Five surprises from matchday one of the 2012 Afcon
Group A: Equatorial Guinea 1-0 Libya
Having only taken two true centre-forwards to the Afcon, it was always a possibility that Marcos Paqueta’s side would struggle to put away opportunities, but the Libyans surprised onlookers by hardly creating any. Despite controlling the opening stages of both halves against co-hosts Equatorial Guinea, the Mediterranean Knights lacked the trickery and incisiveness to make clear chances.
Walid Al Khatroushi was their sole source of creativity and the north Africans looked their most dangerous only after the Nzalang Nacional had taken a 1-0 lead in the 86th minute. Striker Ahmed Zuway has been punishing Tunisian league sides with CA Bizertin on a regular basis but his team-mates need to offer him better service so that he can put his height and imposing physique to good use in the penalty area.
News compilation: Man United
1. SAF meminta para peminat MU untuk berkelakuan baik ketika berkunjung ke Anfield bagi menyaksikan perlawanan pusingan keempat Piala FA di antara MU dan Liverpool. SAF sendiri telah menyenaraikan beberapa peraturan yang seharusnya dipatuhi oleh peminat MU bagi mengelakkan berlakunya insiden yang kurang menyenangkan memandangkan perlawanan hujung minggu ini dijangkakan panas.
Rabu, 25 Januari 2012
The Premier League Numbers And Stats - Matchday 22
* Arsenal have lost three consecutive PL games for the first time since March/April 2007.
* Alex Oxlade-Chamberlain made more chances (4) in 74 minutes than any other Arsenal player in the whole 90 minutes v Manchester United on Sunday.
* Johan Djourou made just one tackle and made one successful clearance (of four) in his 45 minutes v United. Nicholas Yennaris made four tackles and three successful clearances (of three) in his 45 minutes v United.
* Arsenal have lost three consecutive PL games for the first time since March/April 2007.
* Alex Oxlade-Chamberlain made more chances (4) in 74 minutes than any other Arsenal player in the whole 90 minutes v Manchester United on Sunday.
* Johan Djourou made just one tackle and made one successful clearance (of four) in his 45 minutes v United. Nicholas Yennaris made four tackles and three successful clearances (of three) in his 45 minutes v United.
Review: MU vs Arsenal
Keputusan perlawanan:
Manchester United 2
Antonio Valencia 45+2'
Danny Welbeck 81'
Arsenal 1
Robin van Persie 71'
Manchester United 2
Antonio Valencia 45+2'
Danny Welbeck 81'
Arsenal 1
Robin van Persie 71'
Five key League Cup semi-final battles
Andy Carroll v Stefan Savic |
"Stefan Savic had a poor game against Tottenham and every time the ball came to him he was looking like an accident waiting to happen and Andy Carroll will fancy his chances of getting the better of him," Hamann said.
"He will need to make the most of Vincent Kompany and Kolo Toure not playing and the thing with Carroll is that I expect Liverpool to defend pretty deep and I think that is when they are at their best – defending deeply and hitting opponents on the counter-attack with their quickest players.
"It is a long pitch and if you turn over possession in your opponents’ half you have to make 50, 60, 70 yards but pace is not Andy Carroll’s biggest strength and so if the ball comes to him he has to make sure it sticks.
"That is because he will need to bring the midfielders and the wingers into play because it is very important that they don’t give the ball back to City easily or the pressure will mount and it will be even harder to contain them. So when they do have the ball they have to make sure they use possession wisely."
Ahad, 22 Januari 2012
Five key battles in MU vs. Arsenal
Alex Song v Wayne Rooney |
"I don’t ever believe that Arsenal play with an out-and-out holding midfielder but Alex Song is the nearest you will get to that this Sunday if he is told to keep Wayne Rooney quiet.
"If Wayne plays the way he did against Manchester City when he dropped off in between the midfield and the back four then I think that the responsibility of stopping him will fall to Alex although obviously when he pushes up the two centre-halves will have to look after him.
"When Wayne is on top form he is superb as he showed against City when he played well on the back of a poor performance against Newcastle. If you let a player who has the amount of ability that Wayne has the freedom and this space to play then you will end up regretting it. His passing ability is good even in the tightest of situations so if he gets the chance to take his time then you’re asking for trouble.
"He hurts opponents because he pulls your back four around not only with his passing but also with the movement that he is capable of. To counteract him, I would have thought that Arsenal will aim to keep the lines tight between the back four and the midfield to make sure there is no space for Rooney."
Preview: MU vs Arsenal
MU bakal berhadapan tugas berat apabila berkunjung ke Stadium Emirates bagi saingan BPL hujung minggu ini. Ramai peminat berpendapat bahawa Arsenal pastinya ingin membalas dendam atas kekalahan besar 2-8 yang dialami di tangan MU di awal musim ini.
Walaubagaimanapun, beberapa pemain utama MU terpaksa diketepikan akibat mengalami kecederaan. Yang terbaru adalah Ferdinand yang kembali merasai sakit di bahagian belakangnya sekaligus menyebabkan dirinya tidak disenaraikan dalam kesebelasan utama MU tengah malam nanti. Selain Ferdinand, Anderson dan DDG juga tidak dapat beraksi. Sepertimana Ferdinand, Anderson mengalami kecederaan ketika menjalani latihan. DDG pula terpaksa menjalani pembedahan laser untuk merawat sedikit kecederaan di bahagian matanya.
Berdasarkan kebolehsediaan pemain dan taktikal yang akan digunakan, SAF mungkin akan menerapkan formasi 4-3-3 bagi berhadapan dengan Arsenal. Formasi ini telah digunapakai oleh SAF beberapa kali ketika bertemu Arsenal dan membuahkan hasil yang positif. Ini adalah kerana formasi ini memberikan sedikit kelebihan ketika bertahan dan mengimbangi bahagian tengah tetapi mengurangkan ancaman di bahagian serangan. Namun begitu, tiga penyerang yang digunakan dapat mengekploitasikan kepantasan ketika membuat serangan balas.
Lindergaard terus memperoleh kepercayaan SAF untuk menjaga gawang MU buat kali keempat berturut-turut. Ketiadaan DDG membolehkan Lindegaard membuktikan keupayaannya terhadap SAF. Oleh kerana Ferdinand tidak dapat beraksi, Smalling dan Evans akan berpasangan di bahagian pertahanan tengah dan mereka akan diapit dengan Jones dan Evra yang bertindak di posisi fullback.
Aku menjangkakan Scholes sekali lagi menjadi pilihan SAF untuk bermula dalam kesebelasan utama berbanding Giggs. Scholes akan bergandingan dengan Carrick dan PJS di bahagian tengah. Carrick dan Scholes akan bermain dengan duduk di kawasan tengah dan mengharapkan kudrat PJS dalam mengekang pergerakan pemain tengah Arsenal.
Di bahagian serangan pula, Rooney akan bermain secara keseorangan kerana Welbeck terlepas daripada beraksi kerana mengalami sedikit kecederaan di bahagian buku lali. Rooney akan dibantu oleh Valencia dan Nani bagi merobek benteng pertahanan Arsenal yang kelihatan agak rapuh terutamanya di posisi fullback. MU dirasakan dapat mengucar-kacirkan pertahanan Arsenal menerusi larian deras Nani dan Valencia.
Berdasarkan prestasi semasa dan barisan pemain yang akan diturunkan oleh kedua-dua pasukan, aku menjangkakan perlawanan yang seimbang berbanding perlawanan yang agak berat sebelah ketika aksi di OT. MU mungkin dapat mencatatkan kemenangan di Stadium Emirates jika boleh mengekang dan menghadkan pergerakan pemain Arsenal. Aku merasakan MU dapat mencatatkan kemenangan tipis 2-1 ke atas Arsenal tengah malam ini dengan Rooney dan Valencia menjaringkan gol buat MU.
Jumaat, 20 Januari 2012
Siapa yang nak masuk, siapa yang nak keluar
January transfer window mid-term report: Who is coming & who is going in the Premier League
Kenangan pahit, manis, masam, masin SAF di MU
ED BARKER: Football. Bloody Hell! What a moment the 1999 final was, and how astounding Ferguson’s reaction to the last-gasp winner. Despite the distractions over the past six years – the lies, the unnecessary support of the owners –
"As fans danced around Camp Nou, or in front of their televisions, Ferguson summed up in three words the almost indescribable excitement of those last three minutes" |
TAUREN SPURLING: My favourite Ferguson moment would have to be his interview after the Champions League Final in 1999 – "Football, bloody hell!" It is an iconic comment now, capturing the feelings of millions of United fans and football fans in general, on a night not many will forget. We had been dominant in the domestic game for the decade, but in Europe we had always fallen depressingly short.
That season though, it felt like destiny was guiding us to that trophy. A horrible group containing Barcelona and our final opponents Bayern Munich, two epic 3-3 draws vs Barcelona and two draws vs Munich that the German side deserved nothing from in my opinion – poor reffing and a mistake from Schmeichel costing us. Epic encounters vs Inter and Juventus with standout performances from Stam, Berg and Keane. Then we came to the final and it all looked like it was for nothing. We were not as outplayed as history and comment would suggest, but it simply looked like we would fall short again. Then two minutes and we were Champions. Ferguson had conquered Europe, we had reached the promised land. "Football, bloody hell!"
Khamis, 19 Januari 2012
The Premier League Numbers And Stats - Matchday 21
* Arsenal have a worse away record (13 points from 11 games) than either West Brom or Stoke.
* Thierry Henry had the worst pass completion percentage (64%) of any outfield player during Swansea v Arsenal on Sunday.
* Arsenal have thrown away 11 points from winning positions this season. Those points would put them in third place.
* Arsenal have a worse away record (13 points from 11 games) than either West Brom or Stoke.
* Thierry Henry had the worst pass completion percentage (64%) of any outfield player during Swansea v Arsenal on Sunday.
* Arsenal have thrown away 11 points from winning positions this season. Those points would put them in third place.
10 worst January transfer window signings by Premier League clubs
Players who have been unable to inspire after being brought into the Premier League in January transfer window.
10 best paid football managers
A list of the 10 football managers currently receiving the largest salaries on the planet
Kedah’s Brazilian duo staring at early exit
THE future of Kedah’s two Brazilian imports could be numbered after caretaker coach Nidzam Adzha Yusof said he plans to meet the FA’s management to discuss hiring new players.
PKNS, Kedah terikat tanpa jaringan
KUALA LUMPUR, (Arena.my) - Perlawanan yang membosankan sepanjang 90 minit antara pendatang baru Liga Super, Selangor PKNS menentang skuad jelapang padi, Kedah di Stadium MBPJ terikat tanpa sebarang jaringan.
Rabu, 18 Januari 2012
Top 10 players to watch at the 2012 Africa Cup of Nations
10. MANUCHO (Angola) |
The 28-year-old was immense throughout the qualifying campaign and scored four of the Palancas Negras' seven goals. Manucho is not new to the tournament and is well known for scoring spectacular goals at the 2008 and 2010 editions. During his days at Manchester United, manager Sir Alex Ferguson described him as “a tall, agile, quick forward”. This is another platform where Manucho will be able the fly the flag of Angola with pride, and look to catch the eye of potential suitors along the way. |
9. ADEL TAARABT (Morocco) |
The 22-year-old was the star player in QPR's campaign to gain promotion to the prestigious Premier League, although he has struggled in the top flight this term. The Morocco international scored in the final 2012 Africa Cup of Nations qualifier against Tanzania and was voted Man of the Match as he helped earn the Afcon ticket for the Atlas Lions. Despite his youth, the north African country expects him to bring his bravery and can-do spirit on board. |
8. ISSAM JEMAA (Tunisia) |
The former Esperance player was the top scorer in the 2012 Nations Cup qualifying campaign with six goals to his name for the Carthage Eagles. His experience is vital, as he has been to the Afcon twice - in 2008 and 2010 - and he has matured with time. The 27-year-old has 26 goals for his national team and is regarded highly in terms of his contribution to the Tunisian setup, as well as his ability to change games. |
7. ASAMOAH GYAN (Ghana) |
The 25-year-old is Ghana’s top striker at the moment, and was a constant threat for the Black Stars in international matches in 2011, memorably scoring in a 1-1 draw with England in London. At club level, 'Baby Jet' was a revelation in his first Premier League season. Prior to his surprise loan move to Al Ain, Gyan scored 11 goals in 33 matches for Sunderland in all competitions. He carried the Black Stars on his shoulders in Angola, and the country will bank their hopes on him to deliver the goals again. |
6. GERVINHO (Ivory Coast) |
The Ivorian recorded 15 goals and 10 assists during the 2010-11 season to give his former club Lille their first trophy in 47 years. He was instrumental in helping the Ligue 1 outfit win the French Cup ahead of his move to Arsenal in 2011, where he has been in fine form since. He scored three goals in the 2012 Afcon qualifiers to help Ivory Coast book a ticket to Gabon and Equatorial Guinea, and he is expected to be a protagonist at the finals. |
5. MOUSSA SOW (Senegal) |
The 25-year-old France-born Senegalese striker won the French championship and French Cup with Lille last season. He scored 25 goals in Ligue 1, including two hat-tricks. He stood out in the Teranga Lions' Afcon qualifiers while scoring five goals, allowing Senegal to top their group and qualify for the tournament ahead of the Indomitable Lions of Cameroon. Sow will be the major source of fire-power upfront for the Senegalese. |
4. ANDRE AYEW (Ghana) |
The 22-year-old is Ghana's charismatic young midfielder. The son of football legend Abedi Pele has carved a niche for himself since 2009, when he led a new generation of young Ghanaians to clinch Africa’s first Under-20 World Cup title. Ayew helped Marseille to a second-place finish in the French Ligue 1 last season; he also won the League Cup and the Super Cup and was voted the club’s best player by supporters. He was top-class at Angola 2010 and more is expected of him in 2012. |
3. DIDIER DROGBA (Ivory Coast) |
The Ivorian striker was inconsistent last season due to injuries and a lack of regular football, but the little that was seen of the veteran was certainly impressive. Drogba netted 12 times in the Premier League and inspired Chelsea on many occasions. This term he has six goals. At national team level, the Elephants captain bagged four goals in their Afcon qualifiers to earn them a ticket to Gabon and Equatorial Guinea. He is not new to the Nations Cup, and is expected be one of the key players on the pitch. |
2. SEYDOU KEITA (Mali) |
The Malian is one of Africa’s finest. His role with the Spanish giants has helped shape his career. He won his second Uefa Champions League trophy with Barcelona in 2011, while also capturing his third consecutive La Liga title. Other medals flashing in his cabinet include the European Super Cup and Fifa Club World Cup, while finishing as a runner-up in the Copa del Rey. Keita also contributed to his national team, helping Mali secure a spot at the 2012 Afcon, and acting as one of the veteran stars of the side, a leader and a role model for his team-mates. |
1. YAYA TOURE (Ivory Coast) |
The 28-year-old displayed incredible form during 2011 at club level. He is a pivotal player at Manchester City. He helped his side to win the FA Cup last season, scoring against Manchester United in the last-four to progress to the final of the competition, where he scored the match-winner against a resilient Stoke City. Toure has been splendid in his country’s path to the 2012 Afcon, giving his best in every game he played. He will be aiming to lift the Nations Cup trophy on February 12. |
source: http://www.goal.com/en-gb/news/2886/africa/2012/01/16/2849957/didier-drogba-asamoah-gyan-the-top-10-players-to-watch-at
10 Championships League stars on the Premier League radar this January
ADAM LALLANA | Southampton |
He hasn’t looked back since, terrorising Championship defences this season and turning down offers from the Premier League to sign a new five-year deal last January, pointing to his side’s rapid rise as reason to stay.
However, failure to follow through on the Saints’ excellent start to the current campaign could change his thinking.
Top 10 January transfer window signings by Premier League clubs
Michael Dawson | Nott'm Forest to Tottenham (£4m, 2005) |
Perhaps he won’t be the most glamorous name on this list, but as far as January purchases go, Michael Dawson has been extremely effective since joining Tottenham from Nottingham Forest after his former club’s relegation to League One.
The England defender has racked up 242 appearances in all competitions and is a must-pick in the centre of Spurs’ defence when he is fully fit, having played an important part in making the club top six regulars in recent campaigns.
At 28 he still has plenty to give for club and country, with his partnership at the back with Ledley King still not matched by many other central defensive duos in the Premier League. Tottenham are still reaping the rewards from that shrewd piece of January business in 2004-05.
Isnin, 16 Januari 2012
Poster menarik perlawanan Liga Super
Cukup kreatif! Itu yang boleh dikatakan tentang poster perlawanan Liga Super 2012 yang akan berlangsung antara Perak dengan Negeri Sembilan.
KEDAH 0 – 0 LIONS XII : Meyakinkan tapi belum memadai
ALOR SETAR – Aksi yang meyakinkan ditunjukkan oleh anak-anak buah Mohd Nidzam Adha Yusof di Stadium Darulaman menentang pasukan seberang tambak, LIONS XII sebentar tadi nyata belum memadai apabila kedua-dua pasukan hanya terikat seri tanpa jaringan. Walaubagaimanapun persembahan Kedah bolehlah dianggap memuaskan dengan menguasai sebahagian besar permainan. Tapi itu belum cukup untuk membenam Lions XII dan sekaligus menghampakan ribuan penyokong setia Sang Kenari yang mengharapkan kemenangan sulung di gelanggang sendiri. Perlawanan yang dihadiri oleh kira-kira 8,000 penyokong itu berlangsung di dalam keadaan yang cukup harmoni apabila tiada layangan kad diberikan kepada mana-mana pemain. Kedah beraksi tanpa pemain import mereka, Danilo Vivaldo yang terpaksa diketepikan akibat kecederaan buku lali, nyata masih utuh di bahagian pertahanan apabila tenang dan bijak dalam mengendalikan setiap asakan daripada pasukan pelawat.
Review: MU vs Bolton Wanderers
Keputusan perlawanan:
Manchester United 3
Paul Scholes
Danny Welbeck
Michael Carrick
Bolton Wanderers 0
Sabtu, 14 Januari 2012
Senarai pemain dalam perlawanan MU vs. Bolton Wanderers
1st XI MU:
Rafael - Ferdinand - Evans - Evra
Valencia - Carrick - Scholes - Nani
Rooney - Welbeck
Preview: MU vs Bolton Wanderers - statistics
- Manchester United were unable to score a goal in a match in the Premier League for the first time this season when they lost 3-0 to Newcastle United.
Preview: MU vs Bolton Wanderers
SAF pastinya ingin menjadikan kemenangan ke atas Man City yang dicatatkan pada minggu lepas sebagai pemangkin kepada MU untuk terus memburu kemenangan bagi mencabar kejuaraan BPL musim ini. Sepertimana ketika MU tewas ketika bertemu Blackburn Rovers di mana dalam perlawanan tersebut MU sepatutnya memperoleh kemenangan kerana berhadapan dengan kelab yang berada di zon penyingkiran, cabaran yang akan diberikan oleh Bolton Wanderers (BW) tidak seharusnya dipandang mudah oleh MU.
Ten key stats for this weekend's Premier League matches
Pemain-pemain yang dikaitkan dengan dua kelab Milan
AC Milan dan Inter Milan dikatakan berminat untuk mendapatkan beberapa pemain baru pada tingkap perpindahan Januari ini. Kedua-dua kelab Milan tersebut telah mensasarkan pemain-pemain berikut:
Jumaat, 13 Januari 2012
Lima perkara yang akan dicapai oleh MU pada hujung minggu ini
Pada hujung minggu ini, MU akan bertemu Bolton Wanderers dalam saingan BPL. Sekiranya menang, MU akan mengecapi beberapa perkara penting seperti:
MU latest news / transfer gossips
1. Gibson mungkin akan menjadi pemain pertama yang terlibat dalam perpindahan pada bulan Januari melibatkan kelab2 BPL. Gibson dijangkakan akan menyertai Everton selepas MU bersetuju untuk melepaskan Gibson dengan yuran perpindahan 2 juta pound.
Greatest players never to win the Ballon d'Or
Soviet Union legend Lev Yashin's success in 1963 remains the only time a goalkeeper has won the Ballon d'Or, and proves that the further back you go on the field the less chance you have of tallying votes.
In the 1970s, two goalkeeping greats can count themselves unlucky. Sepp Maier was arguably the best No.1 in the world in the first half of that decade, and was part of two all-conquering sides – a Bayern Munich team who won three successive European Cups and a Germany squad who followed up Euro '72 glory by lifting the World Cup as hosts two years later. Unfortunately for Maier, Bayern and Germany contained outfield stars such as Franz Beckenbauer and Gerd Muller who between them were never out of the top three for eight years.
Rabu, 11 Januari 2012
Mandi pada waktu malam tidak memudaratkan
Adakah ia satu mitos tentang mandi pada waktu malam boleh mendatangkan kemudaratan pada kesihatan?
Ramai dalam kalangan masyarakat Malaysia mengatakan amalan sebegini boleh mendatangkan pelbagai masalah kesihatan. Adakah benar persepsi tentang tabiat mandi pada waktu malam boleh mendatangkan penyakit kronik? Apa kata pakar dalam penjagaan kesihatan tentang isu ini?
Ramai dalam kalangan masyarakat Malaysia mengatakan amalan sebegini boleh mendatangkan pelbagai masalah kesihatan. Adakah benar persepsi tentang tabiat mandi pada waktu malam boleh mendatangkan penyakit kronik? Apa kata pakar dalam penjagaan kesihatan tentang isu ini?
Keputusan perlawanan dan kedudukan Liga Super 2012
Malam tadi telah berlangsung perlawanan pertama Liga Super 2012 melibatkan 14 buah pasukan bertanding. Pasukan negeri aku, siapa lagi kalau bukan KEDAH telah mengalami kekalahan 0-3 di tangan T-Team dalam perlawanan di Kuala Terengganu. Ianya merupakan langkah kiri KEDAH dalam mengharungi saingan di awal musim tatkala skuad kehilangan kapten, Baddrol Bakhtiar yang terpaksa direhatkan akibat kecederaan.
Four star performers for Spurs this season
Spurs kini harus rasa berbangga kerana menduduki tempat ketiga dalam carta BPL setakat ini dan hanya dipisahkan enam mata sahaja dengan pendahulu iaitu Man City. Perbezaan mata tersebut mungkin akan dikurangkan sekiranya Spurs berjaya mengalahkan Everton selepas perlawanan antara kedua2 pasukan yang sepatutnya berlangsung di awal musim ditangguhkan gara2 berlakunya demonstrasi jalanan. Kecemerlangan Spurs ini boleh dikatakan berpunca dari kehebatan empat individu berikut:
Five things Liverpool have to change
Berdasarkan kekalahan 0-3 di tangan Man City baru2 ini dalam saingan BPL, Liverpool harus melakukan beberapa perubahan atau penambahbaikan sekiranya berhasrat untuk melangkah ke perlawanan akhir piala Carling. Sepertimana yang diketahui, Liverpool sekali lagi akan bertemu dengan Man City dalam perlawanan separuh akhir Piala Carling.
Top ten player(s) to avoid by BPL's team
Lukas Podolski (FC Koln)
The striker would be a sizeable risk for anyone willing to take a punt. Yes, he's incredible for Germany, but are Germany in the Premier League? No, no they are not. Following his last big move from FC Koln to Bayern Munich in 2006, Podolski scored only 15 goals in 71 Bundesliga matches. His first year back at Koln didn't go to plan either, with only two strikes in 27 games. Essentially, that's four years in a row where Podolski wasn't delivering the goods in domestic competition. The last two seasons have been a lot rosier, but would you really want to splurge £20million on a player who is ultimately a gamble? Go grab yourself a Yakubu for £1.5million, plus a truck-load of cream cakes.
Biodata Mark Hughes
Bekas pemain MU, Mark Hughes yang sebelum ini pernah menjadi pengurus kepada Man City dan Blackburn Rovers, telah menerima tawaran kerja daripada QPR bagi menggantikan Neil Warnock yang telah dipecat daripada jawatan pengurus. Ini adalah kerana dalam enam atau tujuh perlawanan sebelum terpecatnya Warnock, QPR gagal mencatatkan sebarang kemenangan dan prestasi tersebut amat buruk berbanding ketika di awal musim. Hughes dilihat mampu untuk mengembalikan prestasi baik QPR dan beliau akan menerima sekurang2nya 15 juta pound sebagai peruntukan wang untuk pembelian pemain2 baru.
Selasa, 10 Januari 2012
Penerimaan anugerah oleh geng MU
Awal pagi tadi telah berlangsung majlis penganugerahan bagi meraikan pemain dan pasukan bola sepak peringkat eropah dan dunia. Sepertimana yang diketahui, Leo Messi yang merupakan calon pilihan telah diberikan anugerah terhebat Ballon D'Or. Messi telah menewaskan CR dan Xavi bagi merebut anugerah yang berprestij itu.
Keputusan perlawanan pertama Liga Perdana 2012
Sime Darby FC 2 - 1 Harimau Muda B
MP Muar FC 7 - 2 Perlis
ATM FA 2 - 0 Betaria FC
USM FC 2 - Pos Malaysia FC
Pahang 1 - 0 MBJB FC
Johor FA 1 - 1 PDRM FA
Isnin, 9 Januari 2012
Kasut? Sandal? Sepatu? Selipar?
Aku rasa ramai antara kita ada lebih dari sepasang benda hat jadi tajuk posting kali ni. Apa taknya, hat nak pi bejalan, nak pi kedai, nak pi gheja, semua tu mesti la ada yang khas nya. Mana bleh balun camtu ja. Coba baca artikel bawah ni, sembang pasai kasut. Tapi artikel ni lebih pada pompoan la. Ada ka yang baca blog aku ni pompoan? Hehehe. Apapun, saja ja aku nak kongsi artikel ni supaya pakat2 baca dan mungkin bleh sampaikan kat mana2 pompoan yang kita kenai.
Jadual Liga Super 2012
Berikut merupakan jadual perlawanan Liga Super 2012 yang akan berlangsung melibatkan pasukan KEDAH.
Siaran Langsung Bolasepak Liga Super 2012
Siaran secara langsung perlawanan pertama saingan Liga Super 2012:
RTM 1 [TV1 / 101] - Perak lawan Terengganu
Astro Arena [801] - Negeri Sembilan lawan Selangor
Sepak mula - jam 8.45 malam
p/s: untuk makluman KEDAH akan bertemu T-Team di Kuala Terengganu dalam perlawanan pembukaan
RTM 1 [TV1 / 101] - Perak lawan Terengganu
Astro Arena [801] - Negeri Sembilan lawan Selangor
Sepak mula - jam 8.45 malam
p/s: untuk makluman KEDAH akan bertemu T-Team di Kuala Terengganu dalam perlawanan pembukaan
Review: MU vs Man City - FA Cup
Keputusan perlawanan:
Manchester United 3
Wayne Rooney 10', 40'
Danny Welbeck 30'
Manchester City 2
Aleksandar Kolarov 48'
Sergio Aguero 65'
Kenaikan kadar cukai pendapatan di Sepanyol
Kerajaan Sepanyol akan memperkenalkan kadar cukai pendapatan yang baru dalam masa terdekat ini. Dengan terlaksananya kadar terbaru ini, ianya akan mula memberikan kesan kepada pemain2 bola sepak berpendapatan tinggi yang beraksi dalam La Liga. Anda boleh baca berita di bawah untuk makluman selanjutnya.
Senarai kontroversi yang ditimbulkan oleh Rooney
Sepertimana yang telah aku katakan sebelum ini, Rooney telah menimbulkan beberapa kontroversi dan spekulasi sepanjang kariernya bersama MU. Akibat daripada kontroversi tersebut, baru2 ini tersebarnya khabar angin mengatakan SAF ingin melepaskan Rooney dari MU kerana tidak dapat lagi menahan sabar. Berikut merupakan sebahagian kontroversi yang pernah ditimbulkan oleh Rooney sepanjang beliau menyarung jersi MU.
Al-kisah Scholes dan SAF
Tatkala beberapa jam sebelum berlangsungnya perlawanan antara MU dengan Man City, Scholes telah dipanggil oleh SAF untuk bertemu di bilik trofi. Seperti biasa, Scholes tiba terlebih dahulu ke bilik tersebut dan berlegar-legar melihat trofi-trofi yang ada sementara menunggu kehadiran SAF.
Undian perlawanan pusingan keempat FA Cup 2011/2012
Dengan sebahagian besar perlawanan pusingan ketiga telah dilangsungkan, undian penentuan perlawanan pusingan keempat telahpun diadakan. Terdapat beberapa perlawanan yang menarik perhatian ramai seperti pertembungan antara MU dan Liverpool serta perlawanan melibatkan dua kelab BPL iaitu Fulham dengan Everton.
Ahad, 8 Januari 2012
Senarai pasukan dalam Liga Super Malaysia 2012
14 buah pasukan terlibat dalam saingan Liga Super Malaysia 2012. Negeri Sembilan, selaku juara Piala Malaysia 2011 membuka saingan tahun ini dengan memenangi Piala Sumbangsih apabila menumpaskan Kelantan yang merupakan juara Liga Super pada tahun lepas.
Senarai pasukan dalam Liga Premier Malaysia 2012
12 buah pasukan akan bersaing dalam Liga Premier Malaysia 2012. Pahang dan Perlis merupakan pasukan yang tersingkir dari Liga Super.
Jumaat, 6 Januari 2012
Man City kehilangan khidmat Yaya Toure
Sepertimana yang diketahui, apabila tibanya bulan Januari, benua Afrika akan mengadakan kejohanan Africa Cup of Nations. Yang pasti, 16 buah negara akan menyertai kejohanan tersebut yang berlangsung lebih kurang sebelum dan melibatkan banyak pemain kelahiran Afrika yang beraksi di serata dunia terutamanya di eropah.
Hukuman pergantungan perlawanan kepada Luis Suarez
Liverpool sudahpun mengesahkan bahawa mereka tidak akan mengemukakan rayuan terhadap hukuman pergantungan sebanyak lapan perlawanan yang dikenakan ke atas Luis Suarez. Jadi, Suarez akan menjalani hukuman pergantungan tersebut bagi perlawanan pertama pada hujung minggu ini apabila Liverpool bertemu dengan Oldham dalam saingan piala FA.
Five reasons why MU lost to Newcastle United
Banyak sebab mengapa MU boleh tewas kepada Newcastle United. Cuba baca apa yang telah dihuraikan dalam Goal.com dan aku yakin, hampir kesemua peminat MU akan bersetuju dengan sebab-sebab yang dinyatakan.
Stars who SAF could turn to in January to solve MU's midfield crisis
LUCAS BIGLIA | Anderlecht, 25 |
Like the former Real Madrid star, Biglia makes a lot of important interceptions due to his intelligent positioning and he hardly ever makes fouls in midfield, despite the fact that he is involved in numerous duels. In recent years, the 25-year-old has also become of added value in possession as he has the quality to direct play from a deep midfield position with his accurate passing.
Biglia signed a new contract until June 2015 hardly six months ago, meaning that any team faces a tough task to lure the midfielder away from Anderlecht. Nevertheless, the Belgian champions have shown in the past that they're willing to sell if the price is right (eg Mbark Boussoufa to Anzhi in 2010).
An offer in the region of £8.5 million could prove to be enough to sign the Argentina international. Despite his recent contract extension, Biglia has expressed his interest to move to a bigger league on more than one occasion, and he would probably find it hard to turn down a club like Manchester United.
JAVI GARCIA | Benfica, 24 |
The 24-year-old has been an ever-present figure in Benfica’s midfield since he joined the club from Real Madrid in 2009 for €7m (£5.8m). His efforts have seen him linked with a number of clubs in the last two years, but with a contract until 2014 and a release clause of €30m (£25m), signing the Spaniard will be a test to a club’s resolve. Javi Garcia’s agent recently said that the midfielder was fine at Benfica and focused on the club, so it seems highly unlikely he will be leaving before the end of the campaign.
JAVI MARTINEZ | Athletic Bilbao, 23 |
His impressive performances in Denmark captured the attention of many interested observers, with scouts from all over Europe present at the continental competition. But unfortunately for them, Martinez had signed a new, long-term deal with his club, Athletic Bilbao, before the start of the tournament.
The box-to-box midfielder, who can also play in central defence, penned a new deal in May of this year and is now tied to the Basque outfit until 2016. His release clause is set at €40m (£34m) - a sum designed to deter Spain's biggest clubs. Real Madrid had been interested in signing the midfielder and Athletic moved quickly to secure the services of one of their brightest young stars.
Athletic's philosophy of fielding only Basque players means they wouldn't be able to replace him adequately and the Bilbao side would be unwilling to sell him in any case. The only way a deal would be contemplated is if Javi were keen to move on, but Athletic are a symbol of regional pride for the team's homegrown stars and, like Fernando Llorente (who was linked heavily with Madrid in 2010 but reiterated his commitment to the San Mames side), he seems perfectly happy where he is - at least at the moment - as the club continue their ambitious new project under Marcelo Bielsa. So Manchester United - and everyone else for that matter - will have to wait.
LUKA MODRIC | Tottenham, 26 |
United wanted to part-exchange Dimitar Berbatov for Modric to offset some of the cost and a similar player-plus-cash deal would be the only realistic way that the Premier League champions could revive a move for a player whom Spurs value so highly that they rejected a £40m bid from Chelsea in the final hours of the summer window.
A January swoop is out of the question as Spurs will not sell, a point reiterated by chairman Daniel Levy at the club's AGM on Tuesday. But all bets are off at the end of the season, when Modric will once again ponder where his future lies. Contract talks which would make the 26-year-old the club's best-paid player have stalled, with Modric keen to wait to see how the team fare in the second half of the season before deciding his next move.
Should he agitate for a switch like he did last summer, Spurs are unlikely to be so determined to hang on to the midfielder, which could create an opening for his many admirers, who include Chelsea as well as United.
His ability to find space and eye for the run of a team-mates make him an attacking midfielder of great quality, and he can drop into the midfield line to carry out an impressive job too. He may well not be in the kind of form which saw him lead Inter to the treble in 2010 and should have resulted in him winning the Ballon d'Or, but a move to United could well suit all involved.
Claudio Ranieri has found the winning formula in his recent absence through injury, with Inter carrying out a more considered approach to get them back on track, and the player himself has shown a tendency to drift out of games more and more as the club's fortunes have sunk further during the past 18 months. It all means he could come cheaper than he would have in August.
source: http://www.goal.com/en-gb/news/2896/premier-league/2011/12/15/2802362/from-javi-martinez-to-wesley-sneijder-the-stars-who-sir-alex
Review: MU vs Newcastle United
Keputusan perlawanan:
Manchester United 0
Newcastle United 3
Demba Ba 33'
Yohan Cabaye 47'
Phil Jones 90' (o.g.)
Ulasan perlawanan:
MU mengalami kekalahan kedua secara berturut2 apabila tewas kepada Newcastle United (NU) yang telah menunjukkan persembahan menkajubkan di Sports Direct Arena. Kekalahan tersebut merupakan episod duka yang seharusnya dielakkan pada permulaan tahun 2012 selepas mengecapi kekecewaan pada penghujung tahun 2011. Di samping itu, buat kali pertamanya musim ini, MU gagal menjaringkan sebarang gol dalam perlawanan BPL.
Walaupun menurunkan kesebelasan yang agak mantap berdasarkan pemain2 yang disenaraikan, MU gagal menunjukkan corak permainan yang bagus sekaligus tidak memberikan ancaman langsung terhadap gawang gol NU. Kelemahan MU tersebut diekploitasikan dengan baik oleh NU dan membolehkan NU mendapatkan tiga gol membolosi gawang gol MU yang dikawal oleh Lindegaard. Mungkin sebahagian besar peminat MU berasa kecewa (termasuk aku) kerana gol2 yang dilepaskan boleh dikatakan gol mudah. NU tidak perlu bersusah payah untuk menghasilkan gol memandangkan tiada kawalan kemas daripada pemain2 MU.
Rooney yang diharapkan mampu untuk memberikan kelebihan buat MU tidak berkesan langsung sepanjang beraksi dalam perlawanan. Berbatov juga menghampakan di bahagian serangan. Adalah wajar keputusan SAF untuk mengeluarkan mereka berdua dan digantikan dengan Chicharito dan Welbeck yang sekurang2nya dapat mengucar-kacirkan pertahanan NU, walaupun tidaklah sebanyak mana.
Kehadiran semula Ferdinand turut tidak memberikan kesan kepada MU. Pada aku, barisan pertahanan MU kelihatan agak rapuh apabila gagal untuk menyaingi pemain2 NU apabila berada dalam situasi bola tinggi. Boleh dikatakan pemain NU sahaja yang dapat menanduk atau menampan bola tinggi. Ini sekaligus memberikan ruang dan masa kepada NU untuk merencana pergerakan yang gagal dikekang oleh pertahanan MU.
MU dilihat tidak berkesan di semua bahagian. Tiada pemain MU yang benar2 beraksi dengan baik. Bahagian serangan langsung tidak mencabar gawang gol NU, bahagian tengah pula gagal mengimbangi dan menguasai kawasan tengah padang dan di bahagian pertahanan pula menunjukkan aksi yang cukup kelam kabut dan kurang komunikasi antara satu sama lain.
NU seharusnya diberikan pujian kerana benar2 memberikan persembahan yang baik. Walaupun tidak melancarkan serangan bertubi2 ke arah pintu gol MU, namun NU bijak memanfaatkan peluang yang terhidang untuk menjaringkan gol. Selain itu, benteng pertahanan NU tampak kembali mantap apabila berjaya mengekang penyerang2 MU.
Banyak yang perlu diperbaiki oleh MU sekiranya ingin menjuarai BPL musim ini. Mungkin selepas mengalami kekalahan kedua secara berturut2 ini dapat memberikan sebab kepada SAF untuk mendapatkan pemain baru terutamanya di bahagian tengah dan pertahanan. Ketika bertemu NU, MU dilihat tidak mempunyai idea untuk merobek pertahanan NU.
Jadi, MU harus bangkit bagi menghadapi perlawanan seterusnya. Perlawanan menentang seterus setempat iaitu Man City dalam saingan piala FA perlu menghasilkan kemenangan buat MU bagi memberikan semula keyakinan dan semangat para pemain MU tatkala menghadapi waktu2 yang mencabar ini.
Pemain terbaik perlawanan:
Demba Ba
Rabu, 4 Januari 2012
Top Ten January Moves F365 Like To See
10 - Nicky Maynard to a lower-level side in need of goals
Maynard wasn't included on Daniel Storey's list of top ten targets from the Football League, but that was written before Bristol City announced their striker would be available for transfer this January, having failed to agree an extension to the contract that expires this summer. Faced with the prospect of getting nothing for him at the end of the season, City will probably take considerably less than the £5million they apparently turned down from Leicester last summer, and for that money someone will be getting a forward with pace, strength, a bullet shot and perhaps crucially, an ability to play up front on his own. Expect someone to come in for him in the closing days of January.
Maynard wasn't included on Daniel Storey's list of top ten targets from the Football League, but that was written before Bristol City announced their striker would be available for transfer this January, having failed to agree an extension to the contract that expires this summer. Faced with the prospect of getting nothing for him at the end of the season, City will probably take considerably less than the £5million they apparently turned down from Leicester last summer, and for that money someone will be getting a forward with pace, strength, a bullet shot and perhaps crucially, an ability to play up front on his own. Expect someone to come in for him in the closing days of January.
Rooney - MU's talisman
Rooney bukan satu nama yang asing buat MU. Tidak dapat disangkal bahawa Rooney merupakan nadi utama MU kerana bakatnya yang sememangnya diakui oleh kebanyakan peminat bola sepak. Namun, Rooney juga tidak terlepas daripada menimbulkan kontroversi atau spekulasi, sama ada baik ataupun buruk yang mungkin akan menjejaskan kariernya di MU.
Preview: MU vs Newcastle United - statistics
- Newcastle have only lost once when Chieck Tiote and Yohan Cabaye have started a game, and that was last Friday’s 3-1 defeat to Liverpool.
- Demba Ba (pictured right) scored 21 goals in just 26 Premier League starts in 2011.
- Newcastle have won just two of their last 13 home games against Manchester United.
- Newcastle are yet to win in front of their home fans since the stadium was renamed to the Sports Direct Arena, losing two of three games.
- Manchester United haven’t lost their opening game of a calendar year since 1996.
- Manchester United are the only team to score in every game so far this season.
- Wayne Rooney has scored six goals in his last six appearances away to Newcastle.
- The visitors are unbeaten in their last 18 Premier League games against Newcastle, winning 13 of them.
source: http://www.goal.com/en-gb/match/60396/newcastle-united-vs-manchester-united/preview
Preview: MU vs Newcastle United
MU pastinya ingin melupakan episod sedih yang dialami pada perlawanan hujung tahun 2011 di mana MU tewas mengejut 2-3 kepada Blackburn Rovers di OT. Ianya boleh dikatakan hadiah hari lahir yang cukup mengecewakan kepada SAF memandangkan kesebelasan utama MU dalam perlawanan tersebut agak pelik dengan Rafael beraksi di bahagian tengah manakala kesilapan DDG juga turut menjadi penyumbang kepada kekalahan MU.
Selasa, 3 Januari 2012
Pengganti SAF??
Baru2 ni, SAF dah bagi tau kata dia teringin nak manage MU tiga tahun lagi. Dahtu presiden Barcelona lak macam dah tau ja sapa nak ganti SAF. Siap dah standby calon sapa jadi pengganti pengurus kelab Catalan lani, sapa lagi kalu bukan Pep Guardiola.
Cerita BPL sahaja
1. Zamora dan Sidwell masing2 menyumbangkan satu gol telah membolehkan kelab mereka, Fulham menewaskan Arsenal dengan keputusan 2-1 dalam perlawanan setempat melibatkan dua kelab London ini. Fulham memperoleh dua gol tersebut ketika perlawanan berbaki sembilan minit dan Arsenal hanya beraksi dengan sepuluh pemain. Arsenal memperoleh gol tunggal menerusi Koscielny.
Isnin, 2 Januari 2012
Asian Best XI of 2011
Formation: 4-4-2
Goalkeeper - Ali Al-Habsi Wigan Athletic and Oman Wigan miraculously escaped relegation last season and if there was someone to thank for that, it has to be Ali Al-Habsi. The Omani goalkeeper was in fantastic form while on loan from Bolton, leading to him being voted as the Latics' Player of the Year for 2011. The Omani international officially joined Wigan last summer and has continued to dominate between the sticks. His influential outings for Roberto Martinez' men has indeed propelled him to greater heights in terms of stature and recognition. |
Right-back - Makoto Hasebe VfL Wolfsburg and Japan Captain of the victorious Japanese side at the AFC Asian Cup 2011, Hasebe helped his nation to a record fourth title in Doha, Qatar. The versatile full-back also marked a personal milestone in his club career, when he recorded his 100th Bundesliga appearance with Wolfsburg against Mainz in early December. |
Centre-back - Lee Jung-Soo Al Sadd and South Korea As far as 2011 was concerned, Lee Jung-Soo was an inevitable picture of resilience and perseverance at the heart of Al Sadd's defence. He was hugely influential in their AFC Champions League triumph, while also being equally impressive for the South Korean national team. Lee also played his part in Al Sadd's dream run in the Fifa Club World Championships, where his team finished third. |
Centre-back - Li Weifeng Tianjin Teda and China After leaving K-League side Suwon Samsung to join Tianjin Teda last January, Li Weifeng has been a revelation for the Chinese side. The veteran defender transformed into one of the most important players in the Tianjin dressing room, helping them lift the Chinese FA Cup in the process. Weifeng also reclaimed his spot in the national team after the arrival of Jose Antonio Camacho and has been a regular fixture since. |
Left-back - Yuto Nagatomo Inter and Japan Already rated as one of the most versatile defenders in Asia, Nagatomo was absolutely brilliant for Italian side Inter this year. Defensively solid and equally impressive on the attack as well, Yuto also played an integral role in Japan's Asian Cup triumph in January, an event that convinced Inter Milan to snap him up on loan. |
Right midfield - Park Ji-Sung Manchester United and South Korea Park Ji-Sung was a key figure in Manchester United's record-breaking 19th English league title last season, while also featuring for the Red Devils in their Champions League final defeat to Barcelona. Park was in commanding mood during South Korea's run to third placing in the Asian Cup, before announcing his retirement from international football. |
Centre midfield - Mojtaba Jabbari Esteghlal and Iran 2011 was by far the best year in Mojtaba Jabbari's career so far, as he was crucial in Esteghlal's second-place finish in the Iranian Premier Football League. Often hailed as the Iranian Zidane, Jabbarani will also be remembered and hailed for his goal in the Tehran derby match against Persepolis last September, in which he was voted the man of the match. |
Centre midfield - Server Djeparov FC Seoul/Al Shabab and Uzbekistan The goalscoring midfielder has been in glittering form for both club and country this year, carrying a vital role in Uzbekistan’s impressive Asian cup campaign that saw them march all the way into the semi finals. He also helped FC Seoul win the double in the K-League before joining Al Shabab last July. To cap a brilliant year, Djeparov was also voted as the Asian Player of the Year for 2011. |
Left midfield - Matt McKay Brisbane Roar/Rangers and Australia The hard-working midfielder had an exceptional 2011 where he emerged as a Socceroos regular, whilst captaining Brisbane to the A-League double before earning a dream move to Scottish champions Rangers. Australia boss Holger Osieck plucked McKay out of the A-League and threw his faith in him and was aptly rewarded during the Asian Cup, in which the flexible midfielder showed his quality. |
Striker - Lee Dong-Gook Jeonbuk Motors and South Korea Lee Dong-Gook responded to his critics with an explosive 2011 as he impressed on all fronts for Jeonbuk Motors. Absolutely dominant in Jeonbuk's K-League title win, Lee also broke records in the process with 16 goals and 15 assists. The ex-Middlesbrough striker also played a key role in Jeonbuk's run to the ACL final but his impact was hampered by an untimely injury as his side lost on penalties. Lee's performances also won him a recall to the South Korean national team. |
Goalkeeper | Defender | Midfielder | Midfielder |
Mark Schwarzer (AUS) | Hadi Aghily (IRN) | Ahmad Bustomi (IDN) | Shinji Kagawa (JPN) |
Striker | Striker | Striker |
Safee Sali (MAS) | Mike Havenaar (JPN) |
source: http://www.goal.com/en/news/14/asia/2012/01/01/2821499/goalcoms-asian-best-xi-of-2011-park-ji-sung-yuto-nagatomo
Review: MU vs Blackburn Rovers
Keputusan perlawanan:
Manchester United 2
Dimitar Berbatov 52', 62'
Blackburn Rovers 3
Yakubu Aiyegbeni 16' (pen), 51'
Grant Hanley 80'
Ulasan perlawanan:
Pemain terbaik perlawanan:
Yakubu Aiyegbeni
Manchester United 2
Dimitar Berbatov 52', 62'
Blackburn Rovers 3
Yakubu Aiyegbeni 16' (pen), 51'
Grant Hanley 80'
Ulasan perlawanan:
Memalukan. Mungkin itu merupakan satu2nya perkataan yang dapat menyimpulkan persembahan yang ditunjukkan oleh MU ketika tewas kepada Blackburn Rovers (BR). Persembahan tersebut mungkin juga merupakan hadiah hari lahir yang terburuk pernah diterima oleh SAF.
MU sepatutnya mampu mencatatkan kemenangan apabila bertemu pasukan tercorot dalam BPL namun terjadi sebaliknya apabila MU tewas buat kali kedua di OT untuk musim ini. Boleh dikatakan rata2 peminat MU kecewa dengan persembahan MU sekaligus memberikan penutup kepada tahun 2011 yang kurang menggembirakan.
Pada pendapat aku, hanya Valencia dan Berbatov sahaja yang bersungguh2 untuk memberikan sumbangan kepada pasukan manakala selebihnya bermain di bawah tahap yang sepatutnya. Itupun, Berbatov berjaya memperbaiki persembahan pada separuh masa kedua selepas agak tenggelam ketika separuh masa pertama. Apa yang lebih menyedihkan adalah ketiga2 gol BR yang dilepaskan merupakan gol2 mudah. Kesilapan dan kerapuhan benteng pertahanan MU menjadi penyebab kepada terhasilnya ketiga2 gol tersebut. Yang paling mengecewakan adalah DDG yang melakukan kesilapan yang tidak sepatutnya lalu menghadiahkan gol kemenangan kepada BR.
Gol pertama BR terhasil apabila Berbatov melakukan kesilapan dalam kotak penalti MU dengan melakukan aksi tarik-menarik baju dengan Samba seterusnya menyebabkan pengadil menghadiahkan sepakan penalti kepada BR. Sepakan penalti tersebut disempurnakan dengan baik oleh Yakubu. Selepas gol tersebut, BR berjaya memperkemaskan corak permainan terutamanya di bahagian pertahanan yang tangkas mengekang asakan MU yang ternyata tidak begitu mengancam.
BR meneruskan aksi cemerlang pada separuh masa kedua. Hasilnya, Yakubu bijak menggelecek bola melepasi tiga kawalan pemain MU sebelum merembat bola masuk ke dalam gawang MU. Gol tersebut berpunca daripada kegagalan pertahanan MU untuk mengawasi pergerakan Yakubu dan tidak melakukan bentesan yang berkesan.
Selepas ketinggalan dua gol, barulah MU cuba untuk bangkit. Valencia yang kerap mengucar-kacirkan pertahanan BR bijak membuat hantaran silang untuk disudahkan oleh Berbatov bagi menjaringkan gol pertama MU. Seterusnya usaha MU untuk memburu gol penyamaan membuahkan hasil. Berbatov sekali lagi menjaringkan gol kedua MU dan menjadikan keputusan semasa 2-2. Namun, keinginan untuk mencatatkan kemenangan menyebabkan MU alpa di bahagian pertahanan. Peluang tersebut digunakan dengan sebaik mungkin oleh BR untuk menjaringkan gol kemenangan.
MU perlu menyalahkan diri sendiri atas kekalahan yang dialami ini. Dirundung dengan masalah kecederaan bukan sepatutnya menjadi alasan kepada kekalahan di tangan BR. Mujur pendahulu BPL bersama iaitu Man City turut mengalami kekalahan sekaligus memberikan nafas lega kepada MU dan SAF memandangkan jumlah mata tidak mempunya perbezaan. Selain itu, aku merasakan MU patut membelanjakan wang untuk mendapatkan seorang dua pemain dalam bulan Januari ini.
Pemain terbaik perlawanan:
Yakubu Aiyegbeni
Catatan (Atom)